Once you get your head around What is a Strategy, you might ask what makes one good or bad. A well articulated strategy contains 3 things:

  1. A Diagnosis stating the challenge - what are the crucial things holding you back from your goals? Metaphors are useful here.
  2. A Guiding Policy which constrains (but doesn’t detail) the specific actions you’ll take to address the diagnosis.
  3. Coherent Actions that work synergistically and act within the guiding policy to address the diagnosis.

You should treat strategy like a hypothesis, that can be tested and adjusted over time based on empirical evidence/results.

Good Strategies

  • are simple & simply stated
  • addresses the challenges directly through actions
  • don’t recommend competing or conflicting actions
  • is Focused - which means saying no to things
  • leverage some form an advantage you have

Bad Strategies

  • are vague and full of jargon and business-speak
  • full of every goal everyone wants to do
  • “blue sky” objectives - where you say the thing you want despite the fact you have no idea how to get there
  • reliant on templates and use bland, inarguable but uninspiring sentences
    • “We will be the best at serving our customers through a commitment to excellence & integrity” - ok cool.
