Group experiments show that people “think” they’ll have enough when they name 50% more, regardless of their earnings.

In seminars held by Vicki Robin and her late co-author Joe Dominguez, audience members of all levels of income were asked to rate their happiness on a scale from 1 to 5. Then they were asked what level of income they thought would be Enough to make them happy. They consistently said they would be happy if they had 50% more than they currently did… at every level. Even those who made 50% more than others in the audience didn’t change their reported happiness in any significant way. This shows, beyond a basic threshold, there is no correlation between happiness and income. The average rating for everyone, by the way, was ~2.6 - 2.8. Not even the 3 that would be an average from a normal distribution.

🔑 You will never achieve "more", but you can achieve Enough Money.
