A great “order of precedence” guide from Reddit.

In non-flowchart form: (see full source)

Budget & Reduce Expenses

  1. create a Budget
  2. Pay housing
  3. Buy food
  4. Pay essential bills
  5. Pay income earning expenses
  6. Pay healthcare
  7. Make minimum payments on all debts

Build Emergency Fund

  1. Build small Emergency Fund
  2. Pay non-essential bills

Employer-Sponsored Matching Funds

  1. Contribute to get employer match

Pay High Interest Debts

  1. Pay high interest (>10%) debts
  2. Increase emergency fund

Save for Retirement/School

  1. Pay medium interest debts
  2. Fund at least 15% to Employer-Sponsored Savings Accounts

Max Saving Mode

  1. Max HSA
  2. Contribute to 529 Accounts
  3. Max Employer Sponsored accounts
    1. Or: put aside savings/stocks/bonds for anticipated big purchases



How to prioritize spending your money - a flowchart (redesigned)