Boredom isn’t bad and shouldn’t be always eliminated.

The modern age has nearly eradicated boredom. You have access to and endless wealth of Novel Info & Candy.

Boredom, however, has benefits which the human evolutionary development depended on. Boredom activates the Neutral Circuit, which is a mode of thinking that is necessary from time to time. Boredom can help us step back and see the bigger picture of our lives.

Many creative artists and scientists come after periods of idea drought and boredom. Thinking very hard about a problem is not necessarily (in many times is absolutely not) the best possible way to come up with a solution to a problem, or an interesting idea. Nonlinear, whimsical thinking is a necessary addition to intentional, rational, linear thinking.

Boredom isn’t easy, but it is necessary. Do not allow yourself to be constantly entertained and busy.
