A yearly deep dive on who you are, who you want to be, and how to get there.

The Annual Review is an event that happens, usually, in late December early January. It’s a time to do a genuine deep dive on your life. Spend time with your thoughts. Review the year. What went well? What didn’t? What good things have you done? How do you today compare to you 365.25 days ago? Where are you going?

There are a litany of people doing annual reviews. It’s natural. It’s also extremely common to produce some sort of physical product as a result of the exercise. Something that denotes the passage of time. Something public to give yourself motivation to follow through on your goals. A number of people (e.g. James Clear, Mark Koester, Nicholas Felton) do an Annual Transparency Report.

Annual Review Topics

  • Deep dive on quantified self topics
    • Creative output
    • Consumptive input
    • Health metrics
  • Deep dive on goals
  • Renew & extend 5 Year Plan
    • Review & renew Identity Statement
  • Plan next year’s goals by quarter or month
