Organize Information by the Context in which it’s useful, not into silos.

Organize information by context, not topic

Categorizing everything into a hierarchical set of ever-more-finely-grained topics is a fool’s errand. Your index will become as wide and dense as the notes themselves. Even your roadmap will become unapproachable. Instead it’s better to organize notes into the context in which you might want to stumble across them again. Rather than organize by where a note came from, organize by where they are going.


  • Don’t keep a single repository of all the mChecklists you may use - create a distributed network of checklists that lay near the starting point of each. You can keep a single repository of pointers to these starting points (this is my Master List)
  • Utilization of context-based reminders in notetaking or to-do apps. Have your shopping list automatically pop up when you’re at the store is better than having to go get it. Time-based reminders work better than your memory.
