Being busy is different than doing important work.

Being busy is different than doing important work.

Business (busy-ness) is laziness. You fill your day doing the trivial stuff, even if it’s difficult, tedious, and not at all fun, so that you avoid doing things that really matter, that really shift the status quo.

To help figure out what’s important, ask yourself

❓ If I had a heart attack, and could only work 2 hours a day - what would I do?

Checking email or chiming in on a group chat thread provides the feeling of being productive, regardless of whether our actions are actually making things better - Nir Eyal, Indistractable

Doing something easy just to give yourself a chance to cross something off your to-do list is what Charles Duhigg referred to as “Mood Repair” in [Smarter, Faster, Smarter Faster Better
