The inverse of Exponents.

💁 \log_z(x)=yz^y=x

Logarithm Properties

All of these properties hold for any base number.

Log of Multiplication

Multiplication within a Log turns into addition of two logs.

Log of Division

Division within a Log turns into subtraction of two logs.

Log of Exponentiation

Exponents within a Log can be moved outside the log as coefficients.


You can do this, for any number “b”:

So, if you want and your calculator only has buttons for “LOG” and “LN”, you can just use: .

Special Logarithms

  • Log Base 10: “The Common Logarithm”

    “Common” because it was commonly used before calculators as a way to turn division into subtraction. With a slide rule & a table of the answers to you could figure out for any x or y.

  • Log Base e: “The Natural Logarithm”

    The Natural Logarithm is related to continuously compounding growth.

    If you have an investment with 5% annually compounding interest, how long will it take to double?


  • Log Base 2a: “The Binary Logarithm”

    Useful in knowing the number of digits necessary to representing a given number in binary, or how many layers a head-to-head bracket will require.
