The best for individuals, families, large groups, and cargo.

Not all modes of transport are the same. Not all use cases of transport are the same. Here are some highlights.

Individual Transport

Encased recumbent bicycles are the ‘kings’ of energy efficiency

Bikes are next highest

Then walking

Family Transport

More research needed. I assume smart cars would be the best for-purpose family travel. Obviously the family all riding individual bikes would be best, or hopping on the bus. But the use case of suburban or rural families of 4 getting to where they need to go - that’s tougher.

Public Transport

Buses, trams, and trains are much more energy efficient than everyone sitting in traffic in their 2 ton vehicles.

Freight Transport

Rail is the most efficient method of moving large quantities of heavy stuff over land.

Over the ocean you don’t really have much of a choice, but in general the bigger the ship & the more cargo, the better. Maximize the ratio of {weight of stuff being moved} to {weight of thing moving the stuff}


#179 - Feature: Transportation