Objectives and Key Results are a form of connected goal setting.

Objectives & Key Results (OKRs), are a technique of hierarchical goal-setting in which an individual (or team) outlines their few core Objectives, and breaks down each of those objectives into a few core Key Results.

OKRs like KPIs, are a measure of success. Whereas KPIs are a measure of steady state of an area (Defining Area), an OKR is more focused on achieving results on a specific, medium-term effort (Defining Project).

Objectives and Key Results are both SMART Goals. The only difference is an Objective is bigger and broader in scope. A Key Result is smaller, and more specific goal that lives on the path to achieving an Objective.

OKRs are set periodically, with the period being as appropriate to the scope of the work being measured. A typical cadence is quarterly, but this is not a rule. They are especially good at planning for Horizons 2 and 3 (Six Horizons of Focus).

OKR Advocates

  • Google
  • Intel
  • Bill Gates
  • MyFitnessPal
  • YouTube
  • Bono
