Strategy = a integrative set of choices that positions you to win

What is a Strategy

A strategy is:

  • An integrative set of choices that positions you a on playing field of your choice in a way that you win
  • Must be coherent and doable
  • uncomfortable, because you cannot control them - ultimately the customer is the customer.
  • concerned with the long-term, not this cycle

The essence of strategy:

choosing to perform activities differently than rivals do. -HBR

Strategies are what makes your plans cohesive. Strategy is Design, a Good Strategy will Make the Decision that Informs all Subsequent Decisions. It should be simple, and easy to contain in a short (no more than 1 page) Strategy Document, defining the problem, the Tradespace selections as a policy, and the synergistic/cohesive actions that carry out the policy.

An Alternative Definition:

From UCLA Anderson School of Management professor Richard P. Rumelt, by way of Jeff Zych:

Quote Strategy is Designing a way to deal with a challenge. A good strategy, therefore, must identify the challenge to be overcome, and design a way to overcome it. To do that, the kernel of a good strategy contains three elements: a diagnosis, a guiding policy, and coherent action.
