Use one-time actions that force later results.

A precommitment device is any sort of one-time action that ensures you will perform a task later on. The idea is to do the easy thing now, while you’re clear-headed, that will force you to do the right thing later, even if it’s hard - or, better yet, just perform whatever task for you. Utilize Precommitment to remove the ability to make a bad choice later, or automate a task. Like Ulysses tying himself to his mast so as not to run his ship into the rocks chasing the sirens.


  • Prevent distraction
  • Automate results
  • Save more money


  • Have a friend change your social media password
  • Donate your television
  • Enroll in an auto-investment situation
  • Purchase tickets to a conference
  • Using IFTTT to enable record-keeping
