8 Properties of “Elegance” to aim for with our systems

According to Dr. Mike Griffin, it’s the main job of a Systems Engineer to ensure these properties are achieved and balanced.

Workability - the system produces the anticipated behavior, the expected output

Robustness - the system should not produce radical departures from its expected behavior in response to small changes

Efficiency - produces the desired output for what is thought to be a lesser expenditure of resources than competing alternatives

Predictability - accomplishes its intended purpose while minimizing unintended actions, side effects, and consequences

Functional Compliance - performs the functions we desire at or above the expected level of performance

Simple Architecture - the structural arrangement of the physical parts of form with only essential System Complexity

Minimal Lifecycle Cost - including the design effort, manufacturing cost, capital expenditures, operating expenses

Superior Lifecycle Properties - robustness, safety, flexibility to change, maintainability, sustainability…
