A routine I designed for overall physical fitness, based on barbell strength training & a randomized mix of other exercises.

Half Random Workout Routine

A 60 minute routine aimed overall fitness, performed 2-4 days/week. Don’t do back-to-back days. Don’t go more than two days in a row without doing it. It’s done in sections.

  • 5 minute warm up
  • 25 minute lifting
  • 25 minute randomized
  • 5 minute cool down/reward

Lifting Section

The lifting section focuses on strength and range of motion. It is loosely based on Workout - Starting Strength and the litany of other similar programs.

The lifting section is comprised of 3 compound lifts, where reps and weight follow a common pattern. 4x3, 3x5, 2x15. You alternate which set of compound lifts you’re doing every other workout. They are grouped by [Bench + Squat + Pull-ups] and [Deadlift + Rows + Overhead Press]. You cycle through which lifts are done which number of reps. This results in 6 different days.

  1. Bench 4x3 → Squat 3x5 → Pull-ups (assisted) 2x15
  2. Deadlift 4x3 → Rows 3x5 → Press 2x15
  3. Squat 4x3 → Pull-ups 3x5 → Bench 2x15
  4. Rows 4x3 → Presses 3x5 → Deadlift 2x15
  5. Pull-ups (weighted) 4x3 → Bench 3x5 → Squat 2x15
  6. Press 4x3 → Deadlift 3x5 → Rows 2x15

As should be the case with any exercise program, form trumps weight. Do the reps. Track the weights. Apply the progressive overload principle, but not at the expense of form. If you cannot finish a set, drop set the weight down and finish the reps.

Randomized Section

The randomized section is meant to cover all of the Facets of Fitness - whereas the first section is focused mainly on strength.

Any means of randomization would work. A single die gives 6 equally weighted options. A pair of dice gives 11 options and the ability to assign each a relative likelihood. You can & should set your own scheme up to address your specific goals and capabilities.

My Randomization scheme: Roll two dice. Perform the exercise routine according to the value rolled. Do not re-roll unless you rolled the same thing as your previous workout.

  1. (Not possible)

  2. Run 1.5 miles

  3. Triometrix

  4. Agility X

  5. Accelerator

  6. X3 Yoga

  7. Dynamix

  8. Dumbbell Circuit 1

    4 trips through:

    Hammer Curl x5 → Bicep Curl x5 → Incline Curl x5 → Lateral Raise x5 → Front Raise x5 → Bent Lateral Raise x5

  9. EZ Bar Circuit

    3 trips through:

    21s → Overhead Tricep Ext x10 → Skull Crusher x10

  10. Body weight Circuit

    3 trips through:

    Left Plank 1 min, plank 1 min, right plank 1 min, corn cob pull-ups to failure

  11. Dumbbell Circuit 2

    3 trips through:

    Wide pushups x5 → Renegade Pushups x5 → DB Flies x5 → DB Pullover x5 → Overhead Tricep Ext (left) x5 → Overhead Tricep Ext (right) x5

  12. Yahtzee

    Do nothing.