Humans are a social animal. We have in-built biological predisposition to belonging to “the group”. When multiple people act in sync, they start to care about each other.

Syncing with others, such as in choir, has huge effects on happiness. Performing “your part” in a group setting is a good way to actually Love the Process. You aren’t solely responsible for the results of the overall endeavor, which allows you to feel like you’ve done Enough, and frees you from the Results are not Presence trap.

Physiological and psychological benefits are found among people who sing together in a group. Syncing with people in a group has almost drug-like effects on mood and happiness. Choral singing is almost as good as exercise in terms of health outcomes. Doesn’t need to be choir, could be group yoga, dance, running, etc. Group timing is vital to a team’s success. Group codes, garb, and touching among members make groups work better together.

Military companies marching in formation, going through the same types of physical and emotional states at the same times, can lead to profound group bonding.

Rituals are a good means to manufacture synchrony among teams. This could be part of the benefit of the Scrum “ceremonies”.
