There a ton of options for Whiteboarding Applications. I wrote fairly extensively about them, including a Decision Matrix, in Column #430. Here’s a distilled summary of those apps I still consider useful from time to time.


By the makers of Figma. This one is great, yet I don’t use it much. It’s a bit too slow to start and requires a connection.


By Apple. This one is probably the best one for the iPad. It’s missing some pretty obvious features, though. Labeled connectors, for one.


This is not a Whiteboarding app, but can be used like one. It’s a notebook app that I’m very comfortable using. It’s fine. GoodNotes doodles blow up huge.


This is a drawing app with an infinite whiteboard-like canvas. Its layering is a nice bonus feature.


I still love this one. It’s Open Source.


Less of an whiteboarding app than it is a diagramming app. It’s open source. Less great at free-form stuff, but is the only one from the above that supports multiple pages & hyperlinking.

Obsidian Canvases

While Obsidian is best for notetaking, Obsidian Canvas feature could be useful. Zero support for freeform drawing, though.
