One of the main building blocks of UML - shows attributes and methods of classes, as well as relationships between classes.

Class Diagrams are primarily a structural diagram in UML. It’s probably one of the more widely-used UML diagram types. They show inheritance patterns between classes, and the properties they carry - but also include some behavioral elements as they may also include Class methods.

Class diagram nodes have a compartment for the name, then properties of the class, then its methods.

    class libClass
    libClass : +String owner
    libClass : +getProp()
    libClass : +setProp(newValue~string~)

They include syntax for property/method visibility:

+	Public
-	Private
#	Protected
~	Package

And the arrows linking classes also carry semantic meaning:

For more: see ‣

For more: see ‣

They are akin to Block Definition Diagrams in SysML.


Class diagram - Wikipedia

Also just using them in Mermaid