If your project does not have an associated goal, it’s a hobby.

Map your projects to your goals, and both of those to your areas. Literally draw lines between them. This enlightening technique brings clarity to your big picture.

If your project does not have an associated goal, it’s a hobby.

If your project does not have an associated goal, it’s a hobby.

If your goal does not have an associated project, it’s a dream.

Hobbies and dreams can be fine too, but they shouldn’t go unrecognized as such.

Connecting Areas to Both

Map area to each of the others, this exercise is enlightening. You can see which of the standards you’re responsible for maintaining are receiving what levels of attention.

If a project or goal is supporting multiple areas, then it deserves special attention.

If an area has no projects or goals, it’s coasting - which may be fine, but again shouldn’t go unrecognized as such.
