Tasks are simple sequences of actions that accomplish a small result.

“Actions” and “Task” are related, overlapping terms. Actions, are pretty simple. If you can do it, it’s an action. In the context of work (or Getting Things Done The Art of Stress-Free Productivity) an action is a simple, physical description of a step to be taken to accomplish a task. As there exists no governing body of the English language, there will never be full, universal agreement as to what specifically constitutes a task. Tasks are best defined by their relationship to other members of the Action→Task→Project→Area Hierarchy.

👉 Actions → Tasks → Projects → Areas

A series of actions completes a task, which has some defined result. A series completed tasks completes a Project, which has its own larger result. The Project exists in one or many areas, which are not “completable”.

Practically speaking, the delineation between “Action” and “Task” is somewhat arbitrary. Actions are simple verbs. they shouldn’t require explanation or additional context to understand. Tasks are slightly more abstract in nature. They may be accomplished in one of several ways. Moreover, calling an action a “task” and a task and “action” makes no difference. What’s helpful is realizing the distinction. If your task list is unapproachable, make it into an “Next Actions” list.

Example Tasks & Actions

  • Task - Get to Inbox Zero
    • Action - Open email client
    • Action - Process first email
    • Action - Process next email
  • Task - Make a doctor’s appointment
    • Action - Google doctor’s phone number
    • Action - Open calendar app, for reference
    • Action - Call doctor
  • Task - Do a workout
    • Action - put on workout clothes
    • Action - go to gym
    • Action - refer to workout plan
