Don’t “force results” to happen. Set up situations that enable them to be more likely to happen.

A recurring theme in my reading, watching, and life happenstances is that trying to force results is almost always a bad idea. It is better to setup an environment, goal set, and process that best enables results to happen. This doesn’t mean you get less done, it instead should have the opposite effects.

Trying to force results looks like:

  • setting results-based action plans
  • not responding to resistance
  • “pushing through” what shouldn’t be

Enabling results looks like:

Trying to Force It

Trying to force results leads to:

  • Frustration - when you don’t get the result you want
  • Dissatisfaction - when you aren’t accomplishing your goals due to external factors
  • Accidents & injuries - taking shortcuts, cutting corners, or not listening to what the situation is telling you has lead to broken parts and bulging discs

Enabling it to Happen

Try doing these things more.


  • My own thinking & linking